Gain Your Unfair Advantage in Marketing Automation

This is your opportunity to join our exclusive community of marketing automation professionals.

Has any of this ever happened to you?

Instead what if you could...

“I’ve got to give a big THANK YOU for creating your training. Without it, I don’t think I would have been able to launch as quickly as I did. Last night, I officially launched and more importantly, everything works! Thank you!!!” ~ Dawn Martinello

Hi, I'm Chris

I’m an Electrical Engineer turned entrepreneur. At Lockheed Martin, as a Firmware Engineer, I programmed microprocessors for missles. At Leadpages, as the Head of Marketing Automation, I built the entire marketing and sales system to help raise millions in funding. Most recently at ActiveCampaign, as the Director of Education, I built out an entire education and training department responsible for training thousands of small businesses daily on how to properly leverage marketing automation.

Needless to say I’ve achieved a lot, seen a lot, and learned even more along the way. There isn’t a process I haven’t been able to automate effectively. With over 13 years of professional experience, I’m looking forward to helping you grow your business with automation. I’m going to take what I’ve learned behind the scenes so you can benefit from it right now.

The implementation of automation simplified

Remove the confusion and get automated systems in place following this 3 step approach

1. Start with an idea

2. Map it out

3. Achieve automation


Automation Bridge Private Community

An exclusive community created for entrepreneurs looking to unleash the power of automation in your business correctly. It consists of a private network of like-minded automation specialists to learn from, as well as private resources to help you map out solutions, and recommend technology more effectively for yourself and your clients.


Every month you will have the chance to listen to exclusive, behind the scenes look at the marketing automation landscape. Engage with Chris and other community members to ask questions and go deeper on all topics discussed. You’ll walk away empowered with a clear idea of what to build and how it works.

Example of topics covered:


Learn from other marketing automation experts and entrepreneurs who have successfully automated their business in. Use this interactive environment to get the immediate and ongoing help, support, and accountability you need between calls. The community alone is worth the price of admission.

Example content includes:


Visually displaying a marketing process can be very challenging. Look over the shoulder of the automation expert himself as he actively listens to your process and maps it out in front of you. Giving you a downloadable map of your marketing that you can start implementing right away.

Here's Why You Should Join Today...

Businesses of all sizes are struggling to get proper automated sales and marketing systems in place. They understand the promise of automation but struggle putting it into practice to generate a profit. This is your opportunity to separate yourself from the rest.

As members like yourself join, the quality of the network grows. Which means, eventually, the price to join will grow as well.

Today, you can join for a small investment of $99/month.

You’ll get immediate access to all the trainings available, recordings, and first access to new trainings and Q&A sessions we host weekly.

You’ll finally be able to learn how to implement automation intelligently and avoid wasting time trying to figure it out yourself and money wasted on the wrong tools and/or consultant.

Big Results, Small Investment

It's all yours when you join today


($99/mo. cancel at any time)

What They're Saying

“The program takes you step-by-step through this process and helps you get really clear on the foundations that you’ll build your business on, so it can be automated. And it’s good. I’ve done lots of other programs that teach internet marketing, but I’ve never come across one that goes into this depth (while still being easy to understand”

Jaime Almond – Strategic Marketer

Sean Bestor

“He literally built the automation system Leadpages uses, and look how big they’ve grown! He knows every tool and tactic under the sun. Plus, the guy is completely awesome to work with. If you partner up with Chis, you need to drop everything and “just DO it”. He’s the best and your business will grow like you never thought it could”

Sean Bestor – Copywriter

“Chris’ training is excellent! He made something that’s been a mystery to me understandable. I have a better frame of reference about automation and being specific about using it”
~ Toni

“Just finished watching the Automation training with Chris Davis. OMG. My mind is blown. I have a lot work to do. My goal is to have all this setup by next Thursday. I’m done playing games.”
~ Laurasha

“Wow, Wow, Wow!!!!!!!!

This has definitely taught me everything I wanted and needed to know about automation!!!!

Boom drops the mic!!!!!!!”

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I can't make a call?

No problem. Simply submit your question beforehand and Chris will answer it live on the call. When the recording is uploaded you can access it at your leisure.

How do I cancel my membership?

You can login and cancel your payment at any time. No questions asked, no hassles.

Is this for ActiveCampaign users only?

No. This club is tool agnostic. This means you can bring whatever tool(s) you currently have and walk away with a workable solution

When does my access to the content expire?

Never. You get lifetime access to the live sessions as well as recordings as long as your membership is active.

How long is each call?

60 – 90 minutes. Chris works really efficiently and rarely ends a call with a single question unanswered. For that reason, you’ll want to make sure you submit your questions beforehand as they will be answered in a first come, first serve basis.

What if I get stuck in between calls? Is there additional help available?

We’ve got you covered. In addition to the weekly calls, you can post your questions to the private network where Chris will respond using text, screenshot, or screen recording. Not to mention other members in the network will provide assistance as well.

Get serious results

You’ve worked too hard on your business to stay where you are. Take a proven approach to automating your business and learn from the industry’s best to do so. It’s time to go from ideation to automation without complication.

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